Lean In Waseda の紹介
Lean In Waseda は、日本初の学生向けLean In Circleです。
Lean Inの理念と同じ「女性が野心を持って、挑戦することができる社会」を実現するために、「より多くの学生が、一歩踏み出せるきっかけづくり」を目標としています。
Lean in Waseda is one of the first Lean In Circles in Japan centered around students.
Headquartered in Waseda University, the circle involves students and graduates from Waseda. Lean in Waseda attempts to spread the mission of "creating a society in which women are able to pursue their ambitions and challenge onself" to as many students as possible, and spread the movement among youths.
Activities include monthly events consisting of small groups, guest speaker events, and delivery of web contents such as interview articles. Meetings are held every month, and are usually divided into two groups: Event Team or Web Team.
Our events and operations are open to students of any gender, age, or department within Waseda University. Within the process of women's empowerment, involvement of male participants is equally crucial. Furthermore, we not only emphasize the importance of female empowerment, but also the importance of creating opportunities in which people of all genders have the freedom to express themselves and pursue their passions.
We are always recruiting new members, so if you are interested, please contact us via CONTACT tab on the website.

Lean In とは?
Lean In とは、一歩踏み出すこと・挑戦することを意味します。
2013年、Facebook本社 COOのシェリル・サンドバーグは、「Lean In : 女性、仕事、リーダーへの意欲」という本を出版しました。女性が野心を持って、挑戦できる社会を実現するために、一人一人ができること、そして誰かを支援するためにできることについて、書かれています。この本をきっかけに、シェリルはその後、Lean In.orgという団体を設立しました。一人で悩むのでなく、コミュニティーでお互いを支援するためです。現在では、120ヶ国に約24,000個のLean In Circleが存在します。女性が活躍できる社会創りのために、様々な活動をそれぞれが自主的に展開しています。
"Lean In" refers to the act of stepping forward or challenging oneself.
In 2013, Facebook COO, Sheryl Sandberg, published a book titled, "Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead". One of Sandberg's mission is to empower women, and help them achieve their ambitions. The book proposes many ways in which individuals can contribute to the process of "creating a society in which women are able to pursue their ambitions and challenge onself." Driven by this mission, Sanderberg also established an NPO called Lean In.org. Currently, there are over 24,000 Lean in Circles across 120 countries. Each circle has unfolded various forms of activities and events under the shared mission − empowering women, and creating a society in which women are able to pursue their goals freely, unbound by gender inequality.